Zoé Chatzidakis - Liste de
Ces publications sont listées par ordre chronologique
d'écriture, qui ne coincide pas nécéssairement
avec l'ordre chonologique de parution.
- (avec E. Bouscaren) Modèles premiers et
atomiques, Théorèmes des deux cardinaux, dans: Groupe
d'études de théories stables 1ère année,
Publications de l'IHP, Paris, 1978.
Forking et rangs locaux selon Shelah, dans:
Groupe d'étude de théories stables 2ème année,
Publications de l'IHP, Paris, 1981.
La représentation en termes de faisceaux des
modèles de la théorie élémentaire de la
multiplication des entiers naturels, dans: Model Theory
and Arithmetic, Proc. Paris 1979/80, Springer Lecture
Notes 890, 90 - 110.
Some properties of the Galois group of a
hilbertian field, Israel J. of Math. 55 (1986), 173 -
Model theory of profinite groups having IP,
Illinois J. of Math. 42 No 1 (1998), 70 - 96.
Model Theory of profinite groups having IP,
III, dans: Kueker et al., Mathematical logic and
theoretical computer science, M. Dekker Inc. (1987).
(avec G. Cherlin, S. Shelah, G.
Srour and C. Wood) Orthogonality of types in separably
closed fields, dans: Classification theory, Proc. of the
1985 Chicago Conference, Springer Lecture Notes 1292.
(avec P. Pappas) Topological representation of
abelian group rings, Proc. of London Math.
Soc. (3) 63 (1991), 495 - 518.
(avec P. Pappas) Units in abelian group rings,
J. of London Math. Soc. (2) 44 (1991), 9 - 23.
An expansion of \tilde\bf F_p, J. of
Symb. Logic 54 No 2 (1989), 512 - 521.
The cohomological dimension of non-standard
number fields, J. Pure Applied Alg. 69 (1990), 121 -
(avec P. Pappas) On the splitting group
basis for abelian group rings, J. Pure Applied
Alg. 78 No 1 (1992), 15 - 26
(avec P. Pappas) Von Neumann regular group
rings not representable as rings of continuous functions,
Alg. Universalis 29 No 3 (1992), 332 - 337.
(avec P. Pappas et M. Tomkinson)
Separation theorems for permutation groups,
Bull. London Math. Soc. 22 (1990), 344 - 348.
(avec P. Pappas) A note on the isomorphism
problem for SK[G], J. of Symb. Logic 66 Nr 3 (2001), 1117 - 1120.
(avec L. van den Dries et A. Macintyre)
Definable sets over finite fields, J. reine
u. ang. Math. 427 (1992), 107 - 135.
A projective profinite group whose smallest
embedding cover is not projective,
Israel J. of Math. 85 (1994), 1 - 9.
Some remarks on profinite HNN extensions,
Israel J. of Math. 85 (1994), 11 - 18.
(avec E. Hrushovski), Model theory of difference fields,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 351 (1999), pp. 2997 - 3071.
Model theory of finite fields and pseudo-finite
fields, Ann. Pure and Applied Logic 88 No 2-3 (1997), 95 - 108.
Definable subgroups of algebraic groups over pseudo-finite
fields, dans: Proc. of the RESMOD summer school on
Model theory of groups and Automorphism groups in Blaubeuren,
D. Evans ed., CUP, LMS Lecture Notes series 244, Cambridge 1997, 73 - 89.
Groups definable in ACFA, dans: Algebraic Model Theory,
B. Hart, A. Lachlan, M. Valeriote ed., NATO-ASI Series C Vol. 496,
Kluwer Acad. Pub., Dordrecht 1997, 25 - 52.
(avec A. Pillay) Generic structures and simple theories,
Ann. Pure and Applied Logic 95 (1998), 71 - 92.
Torsion in pro-p-completions of torsion free groups,
J. Group Theory 2 (1999), 65 - 68.
Simplicity and Independence for Pseudo-algebraically closed fields,
dans : Models and Computability, S.B. Cooper, J.K. Truss Ed., London
Math. Soc. Lect. Notes Series 259,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1999, 41 - 61.
(avec C. Wood) Minimal types in separably closed fields,
J. of Symb. Logic Nr 3 (2000), 1443 - 1450 (format dvi ou ps).
(avec E. Hrushovski, Y. Peterzil) The model theory of
difference fields, II: periodic ideals and the trichotomy in all
characteristics, Proceedings of the London Math. Society (3) 85 (2002),
- 311 (format dvi ou ps).
Model theory of difference fields and
applications, dans : Model Theory, Algebra and Geometry, D. Haskell,
A. Pillay,
C. Steinhorn Eds, MSRI
Publications 39, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000, 65 -
96. (fichier dvi).
Generic automorphisms of separably
closed fields, Illinois J. Math. 45 (2001), no. 3, 693 - 733. (format dvi)
Properties of forking in ω-free
pseudo-algebraically closed fields, J. of Symb. Logic 67, Nr 3 (2002),
957 - 996 (format dvi).
- Difference fields: Model theory and applications to number
theory, dans:
European Congress of Mathematics, Barcelona July 10 - 14, 2000, Vol I,
Progress in Mathematics vol 201, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel-Boston-Berlin,
2001, 275 - 287.
- Model Theory of difference fields, dans : The
Notre Dame Lectures, ed. P. Cholak, Lecture notes in Logic, A.K. Peters
2005, 45 - 96 (format dvi).
- (avec E. Hrushovski) Perfect pseudo-algebraically closed fields
are algebraically bounded, J. of Algebra 271 (2004), 627 - 637 (format dvi).
- (avec E. Hrushovski) Asymptotic theories of differential
fields, Illinois J. of Mathematics 47 Nr 3 (2003), 593 - 618 (format dvi ou ps)
- (avec E. Hrushovski) Model theory of endomorphisms of
separably closed
fields, J. of Algebra 281 (2004), no. 2, 567 - 603 (format dvi ou pdf).
- (avec C. Hardouin et M. Singer) On the definition of
difference Galois groups, dans : Model Theory with
applications to algebra and analysis, I (Z. Chatzidakis,
H.D. Macpherson, A. Pillay, A.J. Wilkie editors), Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge 2008, 73 - 110.
(avec E. Hrushovski), Difference fields and descent in
algebraic dynamics I, Journal of the IMJ, 7 (2008) No 4, 653 - 686.
- (avec E. Hrushovski), Difference fields and descent in
algebraic dynamics, II, Journal of the IMJ, 7 (2008) No 4, 687 - 704.
- Introductory notes on the model theory of valued fields, dans :
Proceedings of the workshop Motivic integration and its interactions
with model theory and non-archimedean geometry (ICMS 08),
ed. R. Cluckers, J. Nicaise, J. Sebag. Volume 383 of London
Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series,
Cambridge University Press 2011, 35 - 79.
- (avec E. Hrushovski) A new invariant for difference fields
extensions, Annales Mathématiques de la Faculté des
Sciences de Toulouse, Vol. XXI No2 (2012), 217 - 234.
- A note on canonical bases and one-based types in supersimple
theories, Confluentes Mathematici Vol. 4, No. 3 (2012) 1250004 (34
pages). DOI: 10.1142/S1793744212500041.
- (Avec D. Ghioca, D. Masser et G. Maurin) Unlikely, likely and
impossible intersections without algebraic groups. Rendiconti Lincei Matematica e Applicazione 24 (2013), 485 - 501. DOI 10.4171/RLM/663.
- Model theory of difference fields and applications
to algebraic dynamics, Proceedings of the Internal
Congress of Mathematicians, Seoul 2014. Vol. II, pages 1 -- 14.
- Model theory of fields with operators -- a survey, dans:
Logic without borders, Åsa Hirvonen et al. Ed.,
Ontos Mathematical Logic Vol. 5, De Gruyter 2015, 91 -- 113.
- (avec Matthew Harrison-Trainor et Rahim Moosa), Differential-algebraic jet spaces preserve internality to the constants, JSL, Volume 80, Number 3, September 2015, 1022 - 1034.
- (avec E. Hrushovski), On subgroups of semi-abelian varieties
defined by difference equations, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 369 (2017),
no. 5, 3673 - 3705.
- (avec Milan Perera), A criterion for p-henselianity in characteristic p, Bulletin of the Belgian
Mathematical Society Simon Stevin, Vol. 24 (2017), No 1, 123 -
- (avec Özlem Beyarslan), Geometric representation in the theory of pseudo-finite
fields, Journal of Symbolic Logic 82 (2017) No 3, 1132 - 1139.
- (avec Anand Pillay) Generalized Picard-Vessiot extension and
diffential Galois cohomology, Annales Mathématiques de la Faculté des
Sciences de Toulouse, Volume XXVIII, no 5 (2019), 813 - 830.
- Amalgamation of types in pseudo-algebraically closed fields and
applications, Journal of Mathematical Logic,
Vol. 19, No. 2 (2019) 1950006,
- (avec Pavel Zalesskii) Pro-p groups acting on trees with finitely many maximal vertex stabilizers up to conjugation. Arxiv 2020. Accepté, Israel Journal of Math.