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Nataniel MARQUIS
Contact: nataniel.marquis@math.ens.psl.eu
Sorbonne Université
Office 15-25 425
4 place Jussieu
75005 Paris, France

École normale supérieure
Département de mathématiques et applications
Office T13
45 rue d'Ulm
75005 Paris, France

I am currently a PhD student of Sorbonne Université under the supervision Pierre Colmez, in the Institut de mathématiques Jussieu-Paris rive gauche (IMJ-PRG). My thesis project studies multivariable \((\varphi,\Gamma)\)-modules, especially their Lubin-Tate or plectic version, so as to creates tools that might be adapted to a Colmez functor for \(\mathrm{GL}_2 (K)\).

I am teaching assistant at the ENS, in charge of the excercise sessions of the "Algèbre 1" course taught by Gaëtan Chenevier.