Sur un théorème de Lang-Weil tordu, d’après E. Hrushovski, K. V.
Shuddhodan et Y. Varshavsky,
Séminaire Bourbaki. Volume 2021/2022. Exposés 1197–1210. Société
Mathématique de France (SMF). Astérisque 446, p. 121-140, Exp. No. 1200. 2023.
Doi. arXiv.
An introduction to my research that I wrote at the Ens.
A disseration about stable domination, generic stablity
and orthogonality in ACVF that I wrote for a class in Masters.
A disseration> that I wrote with G.
Scherer at the Ens. It is about the
independance of Goodstein’s theorem in Peano’s arithmetic. One can
also find a proof of Gentzen’s theorem in there.