Decay of semigroup for an infinite interacting particle system on continuum configuration spaces. [arXiv]
Mathematical recommendations to fight against COVID-19. (with Wei Jiang, Tianyuan Zhao, Ban Zheng) [ssrn]
Quantitative homogenization of the parabolic and elliptic Green's functions on percolation clusters. (with Paul Dario) Ann. Probab. 49(2), 556-636, (March 2021).[arXiv]
An efficient algorithm for solving elliptic problems on percolation clusters. accepted by Ann. Appl. Probab.[arXiv]
Bachelor thesis on Onsager's conjecture supervised by Zhen Lei (January 2014). [pdf]
10/12/2021, Heat kernel on the infinite percolation cluster, East China Normal University, Shanghai
24/11/2021, A growth-fragmentation-isolation process on random recursive trees, Fudan University, Shanghai.
18/11/2021, An iterative algorithm for Dirichlet problem with random conductance, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai.
21/10/2021, A growth-fragmentation-isolation process on random recursive trees,THU-PKU-BNU Probability Webinar (Online). [ppt][video]
18/10/2021, A growth-fragmentation-isolation process on random recursive trees, Peking University (Online).
14/09/2021, A growth-fragmentation-isolation process on random recursive trees,CRM-ISM Probability Seminar, McGill University (Online).
28/07/2021, An iterative algorithm for Dirichlet problem with random conductance, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei.
20/07/2021, An iterative algorithm for Dirichlet problem with random conductance, One Day Probability Event at BICMR, Peking University, Beijing.
15/06/2021, An iterative algorithm for Dirichlet problem with random conductance, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou.
01/06/2021, Quantitative homogenization and its applications, Forum of young researchers, Fudan University, Shanghai.
21/05/2021, Heat kernel on the infinite percolation cluster, I2M, Aix-Marseille Université (Online).
06/05/2021, Heat kernel on the infinite percolation cluster, IRMA, Université de Strasbourg (Online).
27/04/2021, Heat kernel on the infinite percolation cluster, Fudan University (Online). [ppt]
23/03/2021, Heat kernel on the infinite percolation cluster, Student Probability Seminar, NYU Courant (Online).
28/12/2020, An iterative algorithm for Dirichlet problem with random conductance, The 9th East Lake International Forum, Center for Mathematical Sciences, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Online).
24/08/2020, Decay of semigroup for an infinite interacting particle system on continuum configuration spaces, Bernoulli-IMS One World Symposium 2020 (Prerecorded talk and poster). [ppt][video]
30/07/2020, Decay of semigroup for an infinite interacting particle system on continuum configuration spaces, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Science (Oneline).
15/05/2020, Introduction on Wigner's semicircle law, Seminar of PhD students at IMO Université Paris-Saclay (Online).
11/05/2020, An efficient algorithm for solving elliptic problems on percolation clusters , Les probabilités de demain 2020 (Oneline). [ppt]
13/12/2019, Heat kernel on the infinite percolation cluster, Seminar on the theory of Markov semigroups and Schrodinger operators at Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland.
04/11/2019, Heat kernel on the infinite percolation cluster, Seminar of PhD students at LPSM Université Sorbonne, Paris, France. [ppt]
28/08/2019, An introduction of Calderon-Zygmund decomposition on percolation clusters, also with a presentation on the stochastic representation of Riesz transform after the work of R. Banuelos, Workshop of harmonic analysis 2019, Saint-Nazaire, France.
13/07/2019, A stochastic neural network approximates Derrida-Retaux model, 49th Saint-Flour Probability Summer School, Saint-Flour, France.
25/06/2019, An iterative algorithm for Dirichlet problem with random conductance, Journées de Probabilités 2019, Dourdan, France. [ppt]
13/05/2019, A mathematical model on black market, Seminar of PhD students at LPSM Université Sorbonne, Paris, France. [ppt]
01/04/2019, An iterative algorithm for Dirichlet problem with random conductance, Fudan University, Shanghai, China.
20/07/2018, Uniform bound of an iterative algorithm for homogenization, 48th Saint-Flour Probability Summer School, Saint-Flour, France.
15/10/2017, How to draw imaginary geometry ? Scaling Limits of Random Planar Maps and Liouville Quantum Gravity, Oberwolfach, Germany.
17/11/2015, Expander Graph, Seminar of students at Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France.
Note on Gromov-Hausdorff topology taken from the talk by Ilaria Mondello (September 2017). [pdf]
Simulation of quasi-stationary distribution with Yiyang Yu supervised by Vincent Bansaye (April 2017). [pdf]
Project on random recursive lamination on disk supervised by Igor Kortchemski (January 2017). [pdf]
Teamwork project ("Projet Scientifique Collectif") on graph expander with Mathilde de la Morinerie, Chloe Papin, Oussama Hanguir, Manh Tien Nguyen, Van Huy Vo and supervised by Charles Favre (May 2016). [pdf]