Study Mathematics at ENS
There are three ways to enter the Department of Mathematics and Applications. Either via the entrance exam after the preparatory classes, or via the international selection, or via the student normalien exam.
Competitive exam
The majority of our students come from the Ecole Normale Supérieure entrance exam. This exam recruits French or foreign students who have followed a preparation similar to the one given in the French preparatory classes. Students who pass the entrance exam follow a four-year paid course at the ENS and are housed on the ENS campus.
International selection
The International Selection is open to all foreign students, there is no specific program or preparation. Successful students follow a three-year paid course at the ENS, and are housed on the ENS campus. International selection is the main method of recruiting non-French speaking foreign students.
Student selection
The goal of this admission procedure is to diversify the profile of the department students. Candidates may come from a French or foreign university, or from a “classe préparatoire”. Successful candidates follow a 3-year unpaid course at the ENS, but are housed there and may benefit from scholarships.