The aim of this written application is to recruit 6 to 7 students who are passionate about mathematics and wish to obtain the ENS diploma. It is aimed at students with a L2 or L3 level, registered in a French university, and who do not participate in the same year in the CPGE competition.
Successful candidates have 3 years to validate the ENS diploma. This diploma requires the validation of the L3 and M1 in mathematics at the ENS, an M2 in mathematics in the Paris region, as well as a certain number of courses at the ENS in complementary subjects. The recruited students can also take advantage of the ENS internship (about 315 euros/month), and apply for the Contrats Doctoraux Spécifiques Normaliens. In terms of mathematical education, there is no distinction with students entering through the CPGE. However, the admission on file does not give the right to a financing by the ENS.
How does the competition work?
The first step consists in sending a file allowing to evaluate the mathematical profile of the candidates. It is done on this page. Applications must be submitted between March 16, 2021 and April 29, 2021 (23:59).
An email will be sent to you at the end of May to tell you the outcome of this first selection: eligible or not.
Eligible students must then prove themselves during a math oral in mid-June. This test lasts about 45 minutes. It begins with a 15-minute presentation on the blackboard (or remote equivalent) during which the candidate presents a theorem of his/her choice. The jury will place great importance on the candidate’s mastery of the subject, and will appreciate a certain originality. The remaining 30 minutes consist of answering questions from the jury, first related to the theme of the presentation, then of a more general nature.
On July 6, eligible candidates are informed by email of their final results.