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Existentially closed measure-preserving actions of free groups

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Existentially closed measure-preserving actions of free groups

I will discuss a joint work with Alexander Berenstein and Ward Henson, in which we show that the theory of probability algebras with two automorphisms has a model completion, which moreover has quantifier elimination and is stable. We also exhibit two non-isomorphic (but approximately isomorphic) models of the model completion.
More generally, we give a sufficient set of conditions for the axiomatizability (in continuous logic) of the existentially closed actions of a free group on a separably categorical, stable structure.
I will also mention a number of open questions.

- Théorie des Modèles et Groupes

Détails :

Orateur / Oratrice : Tomas Ibarlucia (IMJ-PRG)
Date : 1 mars 2022
Horaire : 16h00 - 17h30
Lieu : Sophie Germain salle 1016.