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First-order logic in finitely generated fields

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First-order logic in finitely generated fields

The expressive power of first-order logic in the class of finitely generated fields, as structures in the language of rings, is relatively poorly understood. For instance, Pop asked in 2002 whether elementarily equivalent finitely generated fields are necessarily isomorphic, and this is still not known in the general case. On the other hand, the related situation of finitely generated rings is much better understood by recent work of Aschenbrenner-Khélif-Naziazeno-Scanlon.Building on work of Pop and Poonen, and using geometric results due to Kerz-Saito and Gabber, I shall show that every infinite finitely generated field of characteristic not two admits a definable subring which is a finitely generated algebra over a global field. This implies that any such finitely generated field is biinterpretable with arithmetic, and gives a positive answer to the question above in characteristic not two.

- Séminaire Géométrie et théorie des modèles

Détails :

Orateur / Oratrice : Philipp Dittman
Date : 16 novembre 2018
Horaire : 14h15 - 15h45
Lieu : ENS Salle W