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Strictly convergent rigid subanalytic sets

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Strictly convergent rigid subanalytic sets

Let K be a non-archimedean complete normed field, K_alg the algebraic closure of K and let L be the language of normed fields augmented with symbols for the strictly convergent powerseries over K. Strictly convergent rigid subanalytic sets over K are the subsets of (K_alg)^n definable in L. I will survey what is known about these sets, including recent joint results with Raf Cluckers.

- Séminaire Géométrie et théorie des modèles

Détails :

Orateur / Oratrice : Leonard Lipshitz
Date : 4 octobre 2013
Horaire : 0h00 - 0h00
Lieu : ENS salle W (escalier B 4è étage)