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Tame open core and small groups in pairs of topological geometric structures

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Tame open core and small groups in pairs of topological geometric structures

Using the group configuration theorem, Hrushovski and Pillay showed that the law of a group definable in the reals or the p-adics is locally an algebraic group law, up to definable isomorphism. There are some natural expansions of these two theories of fields, by adding a predicate for a dense substructure, for example the algebraic reals or the algebraic p-adics. We will present an overview on some of the features of these expansions, and particularly on the characterisation of open definable sets as well as of groups definable in the pairs.

- Séminaire Géométrie et théorie des modèles

Détails :

Orateur / Oratrice : Amador Martin-Pizarro
Date : 11 janvier 2019
Horaire : 16h00 - 17h30
Lieu : ENS Salle W