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Derniers Évènements passés

Group theory seminar Tiozzo/Freslon/Bordenave

14:00-17:00 Salle W

An afternoon on random walks on groups. 14.00 - 14.45   Giulio Tiozzo (Toronto) ``Roots of Alexander polynomials of random positive braids'';   15.00 - 15.45   Amaury Freslon (Orsay)  ``How to (badly) shuffle cards?''; 16.15 - 17.00   Charles Bordenave (Marseille) ``Strong convergence of matrix algebras and applications to random walks''.   Giulio Tiozzo  ``Roots of Alexander polynomials of random positive braids'' As originally observed experimentally by Dehornoy, roots of Alexander polynomials of random knots display interesting patterns. In this work, joint with N. Dunfield, we prove several results […]