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Representations of quasi-projective fundamental groups and the structure of transversely projective foliations

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Representations of quasi-projective fundamental groups and the structure of transversely projective foliations

Corlette and Simpson classified Zariski dense rank-two representations of fundamental groups of quasi-projective manifolds under the aditional assumption that the monodromy is quasi-unipotent at infinity. I will explain how to avoid such extra assumption, and how to obtain a similar classification for singular transversely projective foliations on projective manifolds.

- Séminaire de géométrie algébrique

Détails :

Orateur / Oratrice : Jorge Vitorio Pereira
Date : 3 octobre 2013
Horaire : 14h00 - 14h00
Lieu : ENS salle W (escalier B 4è étage